Welcome to EspaMex Spanish Courses

Profesionales capacitados te acompañaran en tu crecimiento en el idioma Español llevándote a dominar el idioma en su totalidad. Te llevaremos a vivir y sentir el Español.


Why Choose Espamex School?

At Espamex School, we do language learning like no one else.

Communicative Method

Comprehensive improvement of your communicative competence in Spanish. You will learn grammar and vocabulary effortlessly, through its real use in class. Language immersion context: you will put into practice everything you learn in class.


Your daily work and participation in classes is the most important thing! The final evaluation is the sum of the continuous assessment in the class (80%) and the results of the punctual knowledge tests (20%). Motivating evaluation, and understanding the error is an inherent part of the learning process.

Highly Qualified Teachers

All teachers are highly qualified in teaching Spanish as a foreign language (graduated in Philology, Master in teaching Spanish as a foreign language E/LE, specific courses) and have a long experience in the teaching of Spanish to foreigners.

Materials and class activities

You will receive all the teaching materials at the school. Motivating and fun activities.

Skills Integration

You will be able to speak, understand, write, read and interact in Spanish from the first day of class.








-Preparación para Call Center
-Atención al cliente (Turismo)
- Redacción.
- Español de Negocios
- Español para Viajar




You will learn the grammar, the functions, the vocabulary and the social aspects of the language through a communicative method. You will learn different learning processes both for your oral and written skills.

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For those students who want to improve their oral skills, whilst practising their oral comprehension and speaking.

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Study the most important aspects of the grammar of all levels and solve your questions.

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If you want to prepare yourself for the Spanish official diploma, you can sign up for the preparation classes. You will go through all the different aspects of the official exam (reading comprehension, listening, writing and written interaction, speaking and oral interaction).

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the academic program for online courses ( Virtual Classroom)?

Make sure to read carefully all the information about the course and if you need to know more details, don’t hesitate to contact us before confirming your payment.
Kindly note that:
- Cancellations received up to 7 days before the class will not be charged the course fee. - Cancellations received in the week to class will be charged 50% of the course fee.
- NO REFUNDS can be done after the course starts.
- In case you book an offer, this offer must be used in two consecutive levels. if you do not cancel or do not attend the next round, the offer will expire automatically with no eligibility to ask for refunds and without future course credit.
- Please note that if you do not cancel or do not attend, you are responsible for payment.

How many levels do you offer?

We offer 12 levels: A1.1, A1.2 / A2.1, A2.2 A2.3 / B1.1, B1.2, B1.3 / B2.1, B2.2, B2.3, B2.4

How long do I need to learn Spanish?

Well, it depends on your target and why are you learning it. But mainly we can say that if you want to be an independent user, you need to reach at least level B1. That will take from 25 to 35 weeks

Do I need to be perfect in English to learn Spanish easily?

No, you don’t. You can learn with us even if you don’t know any other language, as our beginners’ level starts from 0.

I need to certify my level for work or an international scholarship in Spain, what should I do?

In this case, you need to get the DELE certificate, which has 6 different levels. First, you need to check the requirements to determine which level you need: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2. After this, you can take the general courses at La Escuela until you reach the required level, and then you can book your DELE exam at The Spanish Cultural Center.


What They Are Saying

Gracias profesor por hacerme hablar español, antes del curso no hablaba ni una sola frase, y me daba vergüenza,y sacaba malas notas en la participación, gracias porque usted es una de las razones por las que ahora hablo español❤️❤️❤️


Me complacieron mucho tus palabras. Muchas gracias. Todo es gracias a ti, después de Dios. Tú eres la razón para volver a amar el español nuevamente después de que los profesores de la universidad me odiaran la idioma. 🥺♥️♥️


Para ser honesto, fue un placer conocer a una persona así y no estoy exagerando, conocí a muchos tutores en mi universidad y ni siquiera estaban como tú muy contentos de conocer y mejorar mi español contigo y espero tener contigo más clases insha'allah gracias por tus interminables esfuerzos😘😘😘
